Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Law Firm Internet Marketing An Executive Summary Using The Q&A Format Part II

You mentioned your page ranking. What is page ranking and how do I get my pages ranked in law firm Internet marketing?

You dont have to do anything to get your web pages ranked in law firm Internet marketing. It happens when the search engines send their spiders out to read your site. Google Page Rank is the standard on the Internet for success since 47% of the people on the Internet go to Google to do their searching and the other major search engines (Yahoo and MSN) use similar models as Google. If you rank high at Google you will rank high anywhere. The Google Page Rank system is from 0 to 10 with 10 being high and 0 being low. Probably more than 98% of sites on the Internet are ranked 0, 1, or 2. I do recommend you go to Google and get a Google Tool Bar since then you can see the Google Page Rank they have given you and every other webpage you ever visit. This is a very useful tool in law firm Internet marketing. First it tells you how you are doing with your website. Next it tells you how well your competitors are doing with their websites, which tells you what you need to do to get a higher Google Page Rank so you are above them in the search engine results. Finally, it tells you how well your vendor has done for you in law firm Internet marketing and if you are searching for a new vendor it can tell you if they know what they are doing since they should show you sites they have built that have good Google Page Ranks. For sure that vendors site should have a good Google Page Rank dont you think? There is another ranking system called Alexa that is not one you need to be as aware of based on Alexa toolbar users (well over 10 million of them last I knew) and where they are going. You can get their toolbar at Alexa ranking is based on the lowest number being the best and the highest number being the worst. A low number is under 500,000 thus indicating a website that is in the top 1% of all websites in the world in terms of the traffic that comes to their site. For example is #26, is 4,719, Google is #3, Yahoo is #1 and MSN is #2. The poor Alexa ranks are in the millions with most websites on the Internet being Alexa ranked no data not being at all unusual. You site is likely to be no data ranked, as are most lawyer sites by far. So be more concerned about your Google Rank.

You have been talking about competitors a lot in. Who are my competitors in law firm Internet marketing?

Your competitors in law firm Internet marketing are those people who are trying to rank high at the search engines for the same keywords as you are trying to rank high on. If your down the street lawyer competitor knows nothing about keyword research and how to build a law firm Internet marketing system then he will not be much of a competitor for you on the Internet. Fortunately or unfortunately most lawyers are doing it all wrong with vendors who are over charging and under delivering. You have a great opportunity to get out in front of the pack and stay there because by the time they wake up you will be so far out in front they almost certainly wont be able to catch you in law firm Internet marketing.

Some way back you mentioned RSS. What is RSS in law firm Internet marketing?

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. Trying to stay up with all the new information on the Internet is clearly difficult given the size and growth of the Internet. What if you had a really simple way to get the new information posted at your favorite websites or get their newsletters without them getting caught in spam filters? That is what RSS is designed to do. You sign up on the web site of one of your favorites for RSS and they will send information (text, audio or video) to your RSS news reader on your computer or to your web based news reader (I use Where can you get these news readers? Here are some options:

For Windows

For Mac OS X

For Web Based

While this technology is still new it is growing. Some Internet marketing experts think it will overtake email as the killer application on the Internet in a few years since it fixes the spam problem and reduces the number of newsletters coming to peoples inboxes. It is good but probably not that good. Right now I would put it on your site as a useful tool in law firm Internet marketing if you offer a newsletter or add content regularly since people who use RSS are going to be very interested prospects if they sign up on your site using RSS.

You said earlier over charging and under delivering. What should I expect to spend on an Internet marketing site with a vendor that can deliver excellent results?

You may or may not have to start over if you have a site now. Also know some vendors charge by the hour, some by the project and some a mixture of the two. If you are looking for a value vendor (one who is not the cheapest but also not the most expensive) to build a new website with all of the factors I have spoken about in place you will need to expect to spend from $8,000 to $12,000 for the new website. At this level of spending the website should have 20 pages or maybe a few more in total with the entire on site SEO in place. The fee for the site should include the services of a Webmaster (think of this person as being much like a general contractor who is building your dream house), keyword researcher, web designer, technician, and website copywriter. If you are looking for someone who is going to do the ongoing webmaster role (think here of having a professional Internet marketer on you team) taking you from where you are now with an existing site to excellent results then work with you ongoing to assess your current website circumstances in detail, make a plan for how to improve your circumstances via your current vendor, manage your current vendor so they implement that plan (or if necessary make the recommendation to you to leave your current vendor as well as find you another more appropriate vendor) you can expect to pay around $70 to $90 per hour to get a quality USA based person to do the job for you.

If you want to view his in depth Internet Marketing Guide you can go to Richards guide will take you much, much deeper than this executive briefing can. Richard is one of twenty-five SBI Certified Webmasters that you could shop if you desire at: In the interest of full disclosure Richard built my medium size site (and growing) and has been a valuable addition to my team. Ken Evoy, MD, that I mentioned earlier, developed the CTPM model of Internet marketing that currently serves over 30,000 primarily small businesses with their Internet marketing needs, founded and owns the SBI system.

That is more than I expected to spend on law firm Internet marketing. Are there other options?

Yes. If you dont currently want to budget for $8,000 to $12,000 you could begin with a 10 to 15 page site but be sure to do the keyword research (Richard Cannon can do this for you and is a master at it, one of the other SBI Certified Webmasters or maybe your current vendor). The lower number of pages would bring the cost down considerably. Later you can add pages (a must in law firm Internet marketing like a page per month for solo and small firms). You could also go to (a virtual marketplace complete with a mediated process) where you can find cheap vendors (think India, Singapore, New Zealand, South Africa and Europeans here at $12 to $50 per hour) as well as value vendors (think $50 to $100 per hour in the USA). If all you want is a brochure holder type of site (so you dont look behind the times) you can get one of those built without the keyword research for maybe as little as $800 to $1,000 by a value vendor or half that or less by a cheap vendor, however, you will likely throw that away when you decide to move up to law firm Internet marketing type site. If you really, really want to go inexpensive you could go to http://Yahoo.coms home page and scroll down on the left side of the page to small business and click on that where you can buy something as a decent brochure holder type of site at a cheap price per month.

OK friends, we have completed part two on law firm Internet marketing. In part three we will cover should you have a vendor that has done lawyers websites in the past over a plain vendor, why do I keep mentioning the number of pages on a site, how to avoid overpriced vendors, what your domain name should be, intellectual property issues to consider and more. So keep on reading with part three to learn more on law firm Internet marketing.
Henry Harlow has individually coached well over 500 attorneys. You can get more free, in depth and objective information on increasing your revenue while reducing your work hours available now at Blog78208
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