Wednesday, January 30, 2008

9 Steps To Create a 'Winning' Home Business Site

Why are some web sites successful, while others are not? Your web site will either break the bank...making hundreds, thousands or it will leave you broke with empty promises. You ask yourself, "how can I capture my visitors' attention, so they can immediately buy from me?" Think about have at least between 10-30 seconds to grab their attention as they are reading through your web site. Your home business site is a reflection of YOU! Since they cannot see you face-to-face, be honest and truthful....and they'll come to visit your site again and again until you make a sale.

These are basic steps of making your home business site a complete WINNER.

1. Make sure your web site is easy to open. No one wants a site that is too slow to open. Your visitors will soon become too impatience and then decide to forget about your site, which leaves you with no possible sale. It makes sense by not having too many animation in your web site and also, you must get a good hosting company too.

2. The design of your web site is extremely important because it has to be comfortable to look at. The color of your site needs to be pleasing to the eye....making it easier to read. Never use bright colors as it will turn your visitors away. Remember, our eyes may get sensitive when staring at the computer for many hours.

3. Be certain that your web site is targeting a specific market. For instance, if you are selling apparel clothing then you need to provide valuable informations about apparel clothing. Let them know about the latest fashion trends, hot styles or perhaps what celebrities are wearing. Also, create a grabbing, effective title for your web site because your title will heighten their curiousity. They'll want to learn more about what you have to offer, so be consistent and to the point.

4. Remember, your web site should contain as many keywords density because this will help your site in search engines. If your business is about having a home based business or Internet marketing, then emphasize your business by using as much keywords. You need to realize that 90% of web surfers are searching in the search engines by typing their specific keywords. So, remember to put your keywords in your title page and description in your web site.

5. Visitors definitely want easy navigation to your web site. This allows them to find whatever information about your product and will surely help them narrow down their choices. So, make sure your web site provides easy access when they are searching or looking through your web site.

6. Having your own domain name for your business lets visitors know that you are the owner of your home business. This adds professionalism to your web site. This gives visitors more reasons to do business with you. It's like having your own private label name on designer clothes.

7. Visitors like to read about testimonials of other people who has purchased your product. This will give more value and truth to your product. Remember, people are searching a solution to solve their problem. Let them know your business is not a get-rich scheme.

8. Make sure your web site provide easy payment online. If you don't, then get a merchant account that allows you to accept credit cards (i.e. Paypal Premier acct.). If your customers don't have a credit card, then give them an option to send a check or money order to your business mailing address.

9. Credibility on your web site is absolutely a must! Remember, your web site has to be very professional, otherwise they will not trust you at all. Customers are looking for an honest, home business they can trust for many years to come. They are spending their hard earned dollors in your product and YOU. So, always be sure to have your contact name, address, phone number and an email if your customers have any question about your product.

Because you've decided to have a home business, these simple steps will help your web site be on a WINNER'S list. It takes time, patience and persistence in your part to build a successful home business. It's almost like nurturing it...and seeing your business blossom to its full potential. You will see the improvement of your web site due to increase sales and incoming traffic. Besides, you will be following your dreams to success and living the lifestyle you deserve.

Copyright (c) 2006 Tessie Jantoc

Tessie Jantoc previously worked for a major airline company. She knows the value of having an efficient and honest business. Her integrity is also applied in home business and Internet marketing. She is currently studying for her bachelor degree in Fashion Design. For more information on how to start a successful home business, go to: http://www.profitableincomesolutions.comAshely Blog69989
Astra Blog88351

What Is The Cost Of Declaring Bankruptcy And Are There Any Other Options?

A lot of people are running into financial difficulty these days - especially with a lot of major corporations going through layoffs and buyouts. What this means is that a lot of people find themselves suddenly unemployed and it may take some time to get another good paying job. When financial difficulties come, and they stay around for awhile, the thought of declaring bankruptcy will come into some people's minds - especially when the debt starts getting out of hand, with no light at the end of the tunnel. Here are some thoughts about bankruptcy that will help you to make that important decision of "Should I, or shouldn't I?"

What Declaring Bankruptcy Means

Declaring bankruptcy is basically an indication that you are not able to pay the debts that you have legally incurred. For this reason, and the legal examination of your bills and the way you handle your finances, as well as the humiliation involved, makes it a rather stressful process. It means that you will have to seek credit counseling, too.

Because so many people are attempting to get out of their debts, for one reason or another, Congress has passed an Act, which was signed by President Bush in 2005, to place certain limitations on declaring bankruptcy and who can do it. This Act, called the "Bankruptcy Abuse and Consumer Protection Act," seeks to make it more difficult to declare bankruptcy and to help the creditor to receive a higher degree of compensation. This Act called for higher bankruptcy filing fees, credit counseling, and making it more difficult to file under Chapter 7, making it necessary for more people to file under Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Many other details are also covered in the Act that place further limitations on bankruptcy.

Two Types of Bankruptcy

Filing under a Chapter 13 bankruptcy means that there is a "reorganization" of your finances, and it does mean that you do repay much of your existing debt. You are required to make a plan that enables you to pay back a lot of your existing debt in the next three to five years. This means the sale of some of your properties (or all of them) in order to satisfy the debt. It is the bankruptcy Trustee who will make the decision as to what needs to be sold - not you.

Filing under a Chapter 7 bankruptcy means, once again, that the various assets that you do currently possess will need to be listed, by requiring you to take a "means test," and then a decision will be made as to what you can keep and what you cannot. Everything will fall under an "exempt" or a "non-exempt clause." You keep the "exempt" items, and lose the rest. The "non-exempt" items will either be sold, or you will be required to pay them back. Some things that are not exempt are child support and education costs.

The cost for declaring bankruptcy can run up to about $1,500 for personal bankruptcy. This includes the filing charges, and the lawyers fees. The fees, however, are dependent upon how much of an income you have, and it will vary from one state to another. The process of obtaining a legal declaration of bankruptcy, assuming everything is in order, can take up to six months.

After The Declaration Of Bankruptcy

Once you have obtained a legal declaration of bankruptcy, all of your creditors know where they stand. For some, the debts are discharged, and others have received what will be paid to them, or they know what will soon be coming to them. However, it also means that your credit rates have been destroyed, and it will take years to fully repair it. The bankruptcy is placed on your credit rating and will remain there for the next ten years.

What Other Options Are There?

If you are now in a position where you need to consider bankruptcy, then there are some other options that may yet be available to you.

1. Get Credit Counseling

By this, it means work through a debt negotiation company who will take your case to the various creditors in an attempt to work out some kind of a deal. This could be a good step in the right direction because creditors know that if you declare bankruptcy, then they may not get anything. Oftentimes, they will work with you.

2. Renegotiate Your Loans

Once again, by talking with your creditors, you may be able to renegotiate for better loan terms. This could give you a greater leeway financially that could provide just enough of an edge to enable you to get through it with having to declare bankruptcy.

Joe Kenny writes for the UK personal finance sites and also Blog29932
Brynn Blog43851

Can Career Training Level the Playing Field?

The United States is well known as a land of opportunity and as a result people from all over the world flock to its shores. However there exists here a class of people who are, sadly, ignored or forgotten. They are typically referred to as inner-city or underprivileged children. Unfortunately this label has almost become a stigmatism instead of a reminder that there are a number of people who need help to attain a more satisfying standard of living. Many of these young people are aware that attending a four year college or university would be a great way to lift them up from poverty. But, as the old saying goes, "It takes money to make money." If you are already poor how can you afford to pay for the astronomical cost of obtaining a college degree? And if you cannot afford to pay for the degree how can you get a well-paying job? These are questions that the disadvantaged regularly have to grapple with and few are finding any worthy answers.

One excellent answer is online career training. Career training is a much more affordable alternative to an expensive college degree. It is training that provides specific yet comprehensive knowledge and skills to a student. All that is needed is a computer and internet access. From there it is up to the student to decide which course or subject matter is most interesting and then enroll. There is no need to drive to a campus and wait in long registration lines. Instead enrollment in a career training course can be done in the privacy of your own home right over the internet. Once your enrollment is accepted your training can begin immediately. Career training allows students to work at an individual pace, thereby getting the most benefit from the training. Upon completion of the training the student is fully prepared to enter the work force and earn a great salary. Since career training is so affordable the student will not be burdened with a lot of debt. In fact the training can be paid in full before the course has been completed. There will not be any huge student loans to pay since career training is much less expensive than a standard university education.

According to the U.S. Department of education, over 80 percent of the fastest-growing jobs require at least some postsecondary education. Career training can provide that necessary additional education. So if you or someone you know needs a helping hand why not look into career training and take advantage of living in the land of opportunity.

Copyright 2006 Sherry Harris

Sherry Harris is the President of online career training school, Malibu Institute. For more information on master certificate courses and career education offered, go to: http://www.MalibuInstitute.comCarine Blog54868
Anica Blog95062

Nursing Education - Passing the NCLEX

The time is going to come for every graduate nurse to sit for their state boards. To become a Registered Nurse, the graduate nurse must pass the NCLEX. This is a comprehensive examination of the skills necessary to practice nursing safely. It is important for the graduate nurse to use all of the tools available to ensure success at passing. Many schools prepare the student nurses early in their curriculum with test questions that mimic the format of the NCLEX.

This is done to familiarize the students with the type of questions that they will face when they take the NCLEX. Many schools, in addition to in class tests, are also incorporating outside resource testing. These companies offer a wide selection of computerized nursing test bank questions that measure the students comprehension and application of practice and theory for each nursing course. The students are required to pass these tests with an acceptable score that is decided by the school that they are attending.

Most of the time, the score that the student tries to achieve is at or above the national average. If the students score falls below the national average, that student is then required to take the test until their score is acceptable. This can be most bothersome for many nursing students. Although these tests do not add or detract from the students grade point average, they are mandatory for many schools. Most nursing schools will with hold the students diploma if the student has not completed all of the necessary required tests. These questions not only help to measure the students knowledge level in regards to the material covered, but it also acts as a tracking tool. In acting as a tracking tool, students scores from all participating nursing schools can be compared and contrasted.

These same students are followed up until the end of the program, and then determinations regarding one schools performance over another can be interpolated. Once the student graduates from nursing school, they are further tracked by their mandatory and or voluntary participation in a four day NCLEX review seminar. These seminars are usually offered by the same testing corporation originally used by the school throughout the program and are offered at no extra expense to the students. The performance of the students throughout the program can then be interpolated with some degree of confidence on how well they perform on the NCLEX.

Of course all of the tracking and testing statistics can only predict outcomes. Only the student knows how much effort that they need to expend to pass their nursing courses and the state boards. Ask any nursing student, and most will concur that there is a lot of work that goes into getting through nursing school. It is important for the nursing student to look objectively at the numbers and percentages of those who pass the NCLEX. The rumor, that is supposedly based on fact, in, that all A and B students pass the NCLEX the first time, and all C students fail the first time, is a false assumption, and one which can be detrimental to a C students psyche. The only fact, is that the student must be the final judge of themselves, as far as knowing what they are capable of accomplishing, and not what rumor or statistics reflect.

Students should be aware that the use of outside practice resources is an acceptable and proven method to increase their chances of passing the NCLEX Nursing students are encouraged to study not just one NCLEX study guide, but many. Using two or three NCLEX study guides as a reference is a solid strategic plan. Knowledge gained from the nursing program is of course valuable. However, a student cannot possibly remember every little detail. They would have thousands of flash cards to study, if that were the case. So, as the saying goes, study smarter, not harder applies.

The NCLEX is scientifically designed and percentages are assigned in respect to different content areas. The student is urged to study how the test is put together and use review material that best supports a similar format. This article will not recommend any study material, but it will impress upon students to use up to date, current and respected sources. Nursing instructors are a good resource for suggesting resources. It is a good beginning strategy. Nursing instructors have a lot of experience and are consistently revising their test bank material to keep current with the latest NCLEX question format.

Students are encouraged to practice online computer tests as well. Not only does familiarity with computer testing ease the students anxiety, but it also gives the student the computer skill necessary to maneuver through the test without difficulty. Here is an example, imagine having to drive two thousand miles, and getting into a car. You know the direction to where you are going, but you never drove a car before in your life. How do you think you are going to feel getting behind that wheel, with such a long road ahead, and not being able to anticipate or know what to do when confronting unfamiliar situations.

It is the same thing with navigating the NCLEX. Knowing how to work the controls is very important, and it will save you time and energy that can be better put to use answering questions.

It is important not to go into the test thinking that luck is on your side, without having studied. Luck, may or may not be, but the fact is, most teachers will tell you, that if you didnt study, then you wont do well. The same thing can be said about the NCLEX. Study, is the key. Know what you are facing. There is so much information out there that gives the graduate nurse all the tools that they need to be successful in passing the NCLEX. Remember, its up to you. So best wishes, on your test, and study, study, study.

Learn more about nursing education at The NET Study Guide.

Robyn KnappAleece Blog61723
Catlaina Blog50059

Decorative Candles Add Warmth and Comfort to Your Home

If you're decorating on a budget - and who isn't these days - candles are the perfect inexpensive accessory to add warmth, comfort, and elegance to your home. If you haven't shopped for candles lately, you may be surprised at the variety of types of candles that are available. Here's just a sampling:

Taper Candles

Taper candles are the traditional candles that fit in candlestick holders and add a touch of romance or elegance to the dinner table. They're perfect for weddings, as taper candles come in a wide variety of colors that complement autumn, spring, and summer weddings. Although taper candles come in a variety of lengths, the standard length is 12 inches. When shopping for taper candles, look for those that are fragrance free, smokeless, and dripless. You don't want the scent of the candles to overwhelm your dinner guests' palates, and you certainly don't want wax puddles on your good table linens!

Votive Candles

Votive candles are wonderfully diverse. Once associated only with churches, today votive candles are a wonderful accent to the home. When placed in votive candleholders, you don't have to worry about wax drips and spills. Because of their small size, more is always better. Place a dozen around your bathtub and enjoy the luxurious feeling of a relaxing bath by candlelight. Line them up in varying heights on your fireplace mantle to add a warm glow to your living room. Votive candles come in a wide variety of scents, so you can control the mood of your room. Go for the strong scent of magnolias in the summertime, and the cozy scent of vanilla in the winter.

Globe Candles

The round shape of globe candles can add the perfect touch of elegance to your home decor. They are available in a wide variety of colors to complement your decorating scheme, and are often lightly scented to add a fresh or warm ambiance to your room.

Pillar Candles

As their name implies, pillar candles are chunky columns - candles that are the perfect inexpensive home accessory. Because the come in any number of varying heights, pillar candles are perfect for arranging in sets. Remember to always use three or five candles when creating a pillar candle setting, as the odd number draws the eye's attention and is aesthetically pleasing.

Floating Candles

If you have a pool, consider incorporating floating candles into your party decorations. At night, the light on the water has a dazzling effect - one that will help make your party memorable. Whether you're serving appetizers or dinner outdoors, or whether your dining room overlooks the backyard, floating candles will capture the attention and imagination of your guests.

Tin Candles

If you work involves traveling, you no doubt tire of sterile hotel rooms. Travel candles come in tins with covers, and allow you to take a bit of home with you on the road. Tin candles come in a variety of scents - from avocado and vanilla to green tea and ginger - and in a small size that's easy to tuck into your suitcase or overnight bag.

Raluca RatiuAnne Blog3714
Addia Blog62470

Futures Contract Trading

A futures contract has a limited life span. It is also not the cash commodity that is really in play here. Instead, traders use a futures contract for hedging against price fluctuations or to gain some profits from potential variations in the price of commodities. In other words, if you are the buyer of the futures contract, you will agree with the seller to buy the underlying commodity at a set date and at a fixed price. The change in price between the fixed price and the actual price of the underlying commodities, will determine whether you gain profits or suffer losses on your futures contract. The seller and the buyer usually liquidate their respective short and long positions independently before the futures contract expires, and very rarely take delivery of the commodities in play.

Fluctuations in futures contract pricing

Fluctuations in the price of a futures contract are driven by a variety of different and largely unpredictable factors. Interest rates make the greatest power plays. If you are trading in a currency futures contract, the policies and trading activities of the Federal Reserve, U.S. Treasury and foreign central banks, will impact interest rates and then, currency pricing.

If you are playing stock indexes, you will find that your futures contract is influenced by anything that influences the stock market in general. Once again, interest rates are a serious factor to consider. If these hike there will some pain in the stock market and pressure on your much hoped for gain. Naturally not only interest has an impact. General economic factors, seasonal influences as well as the expected future pricing of a commodity should all be kept in mind.

The price of a futures contract is a great deal more turbulent than that of the average stock on the stock market. A commodity could be upwardly mobile one year and in a downward spiral the next. Nobody who trades in a futures contract can afford to rest on his or her laurels. The commodity trader will (ideally) need to make use of both fundamental analysis and charting, to better predict what the future could hold.

Fundamental analysis is a bit of a hard slog: supply and demand need to be closely monitored. If there is greater supply than there is demand, the commodity price will most certainly plunge and if there is too little supply to meet the demand, the futures contract trader could make very good gains from the resultant commodity price increases.

Pricing changes in commodities are generally influenced by fundamentals, natural disasters, poor seasons, politics and perception. You can use charting to find those formations or patterns that pre-empt bullish or bearish shifts. Bar charts make for a simple, yet effective tool for the futures contract trader. It contains information on the particular futures market price movements, volume and open-interest. These commodity charts are compiled daily, weekly and monthly. The historical patterns will abet your efforts to gain a long-term view of the market. You should however also be looking at things like moving averages and oscillators when planning your trades.

Who plays the futures contract game?

As we mentioned earlier in this article, there are two motives for buying futures contracts: One is for hedging commodity price changes and the other for making money out of those inevitable changes. Those who hedge are generally also those who have some sort of a requirement for the underlying commodity. In example, if the commodity is wheat, it may be a miller that is hedging against higher future wheat pricing. The speculator on the other hand, has no interest in the underlying commodity and will buy a futures contract purely to make a quick buck.

Effectively there are two types of futures contract hedges: a long hedge and a short hedge:

Short hedge - Futures are sold, normally by a trader who either owns the underlying commodity or who stands to suffer some sort of a loss if the pricing drops.

Long hedge - Futures are bought, normally by somebody who uses or processes the commodity, because there is concern that the pricing will increase. The trader could sell the futures contract at a later date, potentially for more than he would have to pay the producer at that point in time - and pocket the profits.

The speculators have a role to play here too, albeit that they do not have a natural long or short position. Their sole aim is to buy low and sell high. In the process, they cause the liquidity needed as they frequently take the opposite side of the trade of the hedger.

Advantages of futures contract trading

There are a variety of advantages to be had from trading in futures contracts:

* Owing to volatility one can potentially make more money sooner from futures contract trading than from trading on the stock market if your trading judgement is sound. If not, you could end up losing more money faster too.

* Futures are highly leveraged investments. You only need to raise a small fraction, between 10% and 15% of the underlying futures contract value as margin, whilst enjoying the full value of the contract as it dips and peaks. The money put up, is a performance bond. A further upside is that there is no interest on the difference between the margin and the full contract value.

* The way in which a futures contract trades, makes it one of the most fair and efficient markets. It takes place publicly by open outcry after all.

* Comparatively low commissions are charged on futures contract trades, and only once a position is liquidated.

* The majority of the commodity markets are liquid and broad. There is quick turnaround on futures contract transactions, and subsequently a smaller chance that adverse market movements will take place between the decision to trade and the execution of the trade.

Ian JacksonCecily Blog66560
Bobbee Blog48834

Georgia Foreclosure Listings Offer Huge Bargains To Georgia Homebuyers

Taking the midnight train to Georgia? You may want to consider it if you are a Georgia foreclosure listing investor. Georgia, as the rest of the nation, is experiencing unprecedented foreclosure listings. Too many homeowners simply are feeling the strain of the current economy and defaulting on their mortgage.

Georgia foreclosure listings can be obtained in a myriad of places. Newspapers, magazines and the internet are th primary source. The internet is the most commonly used means of finding foreclosure listings. Simply type in Georgia foreclosure listings in any serach engine and there will be hundereds if not thousands of websites for you to browse.

Make sure however, that if the foreclosure listing service requires a subscription that there is due diligence in reporting any and all findings. Make sure the listings found on the service are current and up to date, being updated at the minimum daily. Another item to watch for is that the foreclosure listing is comprehensive. A true comprehensive listing provides data such as complete address, city, state, zip code, lender information, contact information, and a photo of the property would be a huge plus.

Foreclosure listings can provide a number of opportunities as many times they are priced far below market value. For the first time homebuyer, they may find a home that is within their means as the price is so competitive. For the foreclosure listing investor, thye may find fix-me-up homes that with a little sweat equity, the property can easily be flipped. Now, there are people that are choosing flipping houses as a career choice. If you are a savvy investor and good with tools, flipping may be the way to go. Additionally, more and more people are turning to foreclosure listings to find investment property to rent to others. In this scenario, the homewoner actually is having others make the mortgage payment for them while they build their nest egg for future use. Finally, foreclosure listings can be a terrific resource for finding a secondary or vacation home. Since many foreclosure listing sites provide listings from all over the country, a ski chalet in Vail may just be on the market at a price you can now afford!!

Whatever your personal need, foreclosure listing service offers a great opportunity for property you may never have known about if using traditional house-for-sale methods.

Bob Smith is a freelancer but regularly writes for You can get more information on Georgia foreclosure listings at Blog11928
Carolyn Blog16175

Striking Accessories For Your Equipment

Though there are many products available in the market but to enhance the functions of these products, there are accessories. These enhancements serve as additional benefits for the products. For various products, there are different types of enhancements available in the market.

MP3 is an essential item used by most of us to catch up our favorite music. However, there are also many accessories that can be used along with this MP3 player. One such accessory is a holder of MP3 players. It averts any damage or harm to a player. It is a good investment option as this improves the functional life of a player and makes the money worth spending for. There are also remote controls that can be purchased for MP3 players. This helps in controlling the functions of players without moving from a place. It is specifically beneficial in cars. This is because while driving people who do not want to distract their attention from the road can attach these remotes onto the steering wheel of their vehicles. This way they can easily adjust the volume and channels without any hassle. Another product relating to music is iPod. It is generally accessible in two colors, white and black. Moreover its cases are available in all the colors of the rainbow.

There are also accessories that can be used with spy or hidden cameras. Wireless hidden cameras can be put into sunglasses. There are special spy camera glasses that are used. They can also be hidden in nosepieces and are capable of capturing images. They also allow a wearer to record everything without anyone else realizing it. These look just like our normal sun glasses. However, these glasses are especially used in criminal journalism and spy journalism so as to collect solid evidence against criminals that can be further produced in a court. Increasing crime rates has also lead to an introduction of many equipment and accessories for safety and self-defense. Pepper sprays and stun guns are the equipment of self-defense that has come up. This, when sprayed, hinders the action of an attacker for few moments. This gives a victim an opportunity to run away from the place. Stun gun is a devise used for low ampere shock with a high voltage put onto an attacker. This also disables the attacker for a small while so that benefits the victim a lot.

Needless to say, along with the products their accessories have made the life all easier to live.

Copyrights protected article written by Andrew Stratton for Surveillance Technology. More articles and information about the security camera and accessory products can be viewed easily altogether at this location Please be free to explore the website for more information on every surveillance products and their features.Berri Blog8145
Bellina Blog78334

Get the Best Deal, Get Unsecured Personal Loans Online

Sometimes you need loans to run a smooth financial stream. They can serve you and make your living better even in worst cases. But a loan is best availed only when it suits your financial situation and reaches you when you need it the most. A loan when not gained at the required time is of no use. The best kind of loan is one which does not ask you for anything, at the same time serve your purpose well. If you are looking for such a loan in the financial market, your hunt ends here. Unsecured personal loans have the answer for you. These loans are now available to you online for quick access and in an unsecured form that will ask you for nothing.

Unsecured personal loans are available to you in the most convenient and easy way that is, the internet. Now your loan amount is just a click away from you. You can avail unsecured personal loans in just a few hours without spending much time and effort. With online personal loans, you get an advantage of getting the best loan deal with reasonable rates suiting your pocket.

With the help of a few simple steps you can get this loan. Before applying for online personal unsecured loans, you need to follow these steps which will help you get the best deal. When you are definite to get this loan, first thing you should start with is research. Research is very important if you wish to get an online loan. This includes tracing various lenders on the internet. You can do this simply by surfing the net. Once you have gone through different lenders, its time now to analyse the rates and fees of different lenders and compare them. This will help you understand which lender is the best one for you. After your comparison is over, choose the lender which suits you the best and he will provide you with the loan quote. All these process does not require any paper work and is done completely through the internet.

While researching, you will come across different lenders with different offers. But there are some features common to all of them. Unsecured personal loans available online, are offered without collateral. That means it doesnt matter whether you are a homeowner or not, you can apply for unsecured personal loans.

An unsecured personal loan does not offer a very high loan amount as there is no security with the lender. They are usually available in a range of 5000 to 25,000. The repayment of unsecured personal loans starts from 6 months and goes up to 10 years.

These loans are also available to bad credit and poor credit scorers. Persons with a credit history of arrears, defaults, bankruptcy, CCJ can also apply and get a loan suiting their financial conditions.

Your search for best loan suitable to you ends here. With online personal unsecured loans, you can get all those benefits which you always wished for.

Gary Grobowski is working as financial consultant for online-unsecured-loans-uk. He holds a masters degree in Finance. To find online unsecured loans uk, online Personal unsecured loans, fast online unsecured loans, apply online unsecured loans visit Blog92465
Audi Blog81944

Fun Careers With An Information Technology Degree

Are you a technology junkie? Do you have all of the newest gizmos and the most modern cell phone? Do you shake with excitement and anticipation every time a new game system is released? Are you the one your friends call when they have problems with their new laptops? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is time put your love of technology into a fun and rewarding career. Don't you think it's time you received an information technology degree?

An information technology degree will give you the opportunity to turn your hobby into an exciting career. Computer programming, network security, and network engineering are just the tip of the IT iceberg. With an associate's degree in information technology, a successful, not to mention fun filled, future is practically guaranteed.

So what are your options? Your career selection is almost limitless. There is an IT job for all individuals who want to have a fun career, as well as earn a substantial living.

The career title Webmaster has a nice ring to it. The Internet is hotter than ever. Everyone wants to be online. Whether you own a small business, such as a pet boutique, looking to expand your clientele by advertising your unique wares online, or a huge international non profit association seeking to explain your mission statement in order to solicit more donations from the tech savvy crowd, you need a web site.

As a Webmaster, you will always be in demand. This is why an information technology degree will guarantee you a gratifying career. It's really that simple. With an IT degree as an Internet Webmaster, you will be qualified to build, fix, and expand sites on the Web.

Graphic designers are artists who use mostly computer technology to design marketing materials, magazine layouts, websites, logos for businesses, and much more. So, as long as there are magazines, newspapers and web sites, graphic designers will be in demand. In fact, according to some researches, graphic designers are among the five design professionals that are anticipated to have the newest positions available through 2014.

Some individuals are employed as graphic designers after receiving their bachelor's degree, but to receive the best paying, more technical jobs, an information technology degree is necessary. By attending a school that offers an IT track, you will receive all of the software certification necessary to become proficient graphic designer.

Do you love playing video games? Why not use your imagination and skills to create your own games? With an IT associate's degree you could concentrate on designing your own video games. When you choose this field, your will be offered a well rounded curriculum that teaches the basics of artist design, project management, digital content creation as well as the more advanced courses in 3D modeling and character design. Imagine playing video games as a career. It is definitely possible when you assert yourself and earn your IT degree.

As fun and exciting as all of these fields of information technology are, earning your degree is hard work. You need to be dedicated to the world of IT because there are always going to be other people fighting for the same jobs you will be striving for. However, the IT world is expanding daily, and more and more jobs are becoming available. Be a part of the web and earn your information technology degree today.

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College offers many Information Technology Degree programs. Please visit Virginia College at to select the IT program that is right for you.Cam Blog46974
Astrid Blog77896

The 5 Myths About Google PageRank

The recent Toolbar RageRank update once again has generated a lot of discussion in the SEO community. Webmasters report their websites receiving not much more traffic despite the increased visible PageRank. In numerous forum threads people question the reliability of toolbar values. By unveiling the following five myths I hope to answer to some of the uncertainties caused by this update.

1. PageRank values range from 0 to 10.

While some people believe that PageRank is an integer number or at least converge to an integer after intensive recursive calculations, actually it is a floating point number. Google rounds up the real value to the closest integer and puts it on the 0-10 scale which is displayed in your browser toolbar.

2. PageRank value displayed in the toolbar is the one used to rank the results.

As you might have noticed, the toolbar value is updated every few months with no regular intervals. In the present time Google continuously calculates and updates PageRank so that sometimes actual PageRank and its toolbar values can differ. The toolbar value should be considered not as a current rank but as a level your page has reached by the time of the latest toolbar update.

3. PageRank is the primary factor to rank the search results.

Not exactly. PageRank was the backbone of the Google success as a search engine because of its integrity, ability to use the unique democratic nature of the web and hyperlinks, and relatively high immunity to abuse. But as years passed the Google technology became far more sophisticated. Now Google uses a cloud of factors to rank its search results. Some of them are query specific (keyword saturation of the page copy and the backlinksanchor text) and some of them are domain specific (domain age, keywords in domain name, and of course PageRank). Nobody outside the Googles offices knows the actual weight of each factor and it is quite possible that PageRank is no longer the primary one.

4. Google toolbar shows an increase of PageRank for my pages. My traffic is going to skyrocket!

Wrong. There wont be any sudden traffic increase after toolbar upgrades any more. As I said before, the continuous calculation and update of the Googles internal PageRank means that the rankings also adjust gradually as your pages get or lose backlinks. So the toolbar upgrade itself will not cause any changes in search results.

5. Toolbar PageRank is of no use, it is just for entertainment.

This is allegedly a quote by one of the Google representatives. This is only partially true. The reason why Google doesnt show the actual PageRank any more is that there have been repeated attempts by hackers to access an exploit these data. Since 2004 the toolbar values updates are no longer synchronized with the actual rankings changes, and therefore should not to be considered too seriously in terms of SEO. However toolbar ranks still remains the easiest and most obvious way to evaluate the quality of a page and millions of web users regularly judge websites according to what Google toolbar shows them.

Originally Published at

Oleg IshenkoAmalee Blog36596
Camille Blog10376

A Little Advice for Those Considering Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

If you are in a tough financial situation, you may be considering Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. Before you move forward, consider several alternatives first. If your financial pressures are due to Credit Card or other debt, consider debt consolidation or working with a financial counselor. You may have already taken those steps and find no other options than bankruptcy.

Chapter 7 bankruptcy may help you in eliminated most kinds of unsecured debt. Examples of these debts are credit cards; personal loans, judgments, and medical bills.

Most of the time, you can keep your property. You must be current on your car and mortgage payment. In addition, the courts will assess the amount of equity you have in your current property. If you have significant equity, you may be asked to leverage your equity to pay your debts first. The goal with Chapter 7 is to eliminate your debt while keeping your personal belongings.

There are some key facts that you need to know before you commit to Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Here are a few answers to common questions for those filing for Chapter 7. Please read further.

Will creditors continue to harass me?

You will want to retain a Chapter 7 Attorney immediately. By working with a specialized attorney, they will immediately give you record number. When the creditors call, you can give them your record number and refer them to your attorney.

Will I lost everything if I file for Chapter 7?

Typically, you will retain all your personal belongings, including your house. A good Chapter 7 lawyer will insure that your personal effects are safe. Most often your car will be safe as well. Your attorney will leverage state bankruptcy exemptions to protect these items.

More often than not you will be more at risk in losing your personal property if you do not file for Chapter 7 to protect them. Make sure you file before you get so far behind that you cannot do anything and get out of the rut you find yourself in.

Will everyone know I have filed for bankruptcy?

The short answer is no. The only parties that will know are the IRS, creditors, and the bankruptcy court. Your employer will not be notified when you file for bankruptcy either unless they are also a creditor of yours. Your bankruptcy is public record but no notifications will be made.

How do I know if I should file for Bankruptcy?

If you are currently facing the repossession of your car or home, you will be better off considering Chapter 7. This will be a better alternative and you should move now before it is too late.

How do I choose a good Chapter 7 Attorney?

If you are considering Chapter 7, you must find a specialized Chapter 7 attorney that understands the laws and is current on any changes that my impact your situation.

When you call a bankruptcy attorney ask them how many bankruptcies they have handled in your state. Make sure you educate yourself on all your alternatives. You can easily do a quick search on the internet and do some quick research before you hire and commit to an attorney.

Most legitimate bankruptcy attorneys will be able to give you a fair assessment over the phone. Make sure you share the facts with your situation. Many times people are embarrassed of their situation and they hide the facts. This will only prevent an attorney from helping you fast and getting the process underway.

We cannot stress enough the need to get several assessments of your situation. This is key in not only getting the right advice, but also to make sure you get an attorney that is sincerely in the business of helping you.

Will I ever get credit again?

Bankruptcy will be reported on your credit report for up to 10 years. That said you can start right away in establishing your credit. Lenders typically consider your debt to income ratio as well your credit history.

Filing for Chapter 7 helps you eliminate your debts, but also helps in reducing your debt to income ratio as well. This does help in establishing good credit for you in the future. Creditors are in the business to make money by lending you money. Remember this and you will be able to find a lender that will sell you money in your situation.

There are lenders in the business of helping people in your exact situation. You may not get the best interest rate, but you have to start somewhere.

Remember, you can only file for bankruptcy every six (6) years. Dont find yourself in the same situation again! If you need financial counseling, dont be embarrassed. Learn how to manage your income, and your debt after your bankruptcy and you will be on your way to a clean financial bill of health.

Matt D Murren owns and operates Chapter 7 BankruptcyCassey Blog30146
Bobbee Blog54375

How To Choose A Bathroom Mirror

Mirrors of different designs and sizes are used in bathrooms, according to the size of the bathroom, and individual preference. One of the most prominent functions of a bathroom mirror is to reflect the available light. This may be natural or artificial light.

Bathroom mirrors are available in the market in different forms, and in different sizes. They can be round, oval, rectangular and with or without a frame.

A unique and stylish touch can be given to your bathroom by using decorative mirrors. These mirrors are available in the market in various sizes, finishes and prices. While buying a bathroom mirror, make sure that the style, color and type of mirror will go well with your bathroom's lights and color of the walls or tiles. In order to give a consistent look to the bathroom, a matching mirror frame can be used.

The size of your mirror depends on the size of your vanity. Your bathroom mirror should not be bigger than your vanity, because if you are using sidelights in your bathroom, then the exterior limit of the lights can go beyond the vanity. Mirror lights can be a good choice for a small bathroom, but in a larger bathroom, one extra ceiling fixture is essential for general lighting purposes.

The frameless bathroom mirrors, along with inset lights will give a modern look to your bathroom. Any circular and square mirrors will give that modern ambience to your bathroom. Hanging a mirror creates a modern expression to your bathroom.

Attaching an overhanging light will give an additional look to your bathroom. The wall mounted basin furniture or floor mounted furniture should not be lengthy. In order to give a dramatic look to your bathroom, you can use wall mirrors.

Bathroom mirrors can be used to give a fine look to your bathroom. Bathroom mirrors are one of the important elements of any bathroom. Your right choice of a mirror can give a modern and stylish look to your bathroom.

Bathroom mirrors can change the look of your bathroom completely, if used with proper lighting. It is up to you whether you want to create a traditional look, or a contemporary look to your bathroom. Another option you have is a Victorian style bathroom, which is designed with heavy layers of dark wood. Nowadays, people prefer traditional styles of bathroom mirrors.

In conclusion, it can be said that a bathroom mirror is a very important and integral part of your bathroom. It gives an entirely unique look to it.

Article by Stefan Rockhaus. For more information visit - Find more info at Blog65959
Celene Blog64052

Student Loan Borrowers Save More with NextStudents Consolidation Program

Student borrowers who may have missed the July 1 deadline to consolidate their student loans before the interest rate increase need to know they still can consolidate at low rates especially if students are in their grace period. NextStudent, the Phoenix-based premier education funding company, advises students with federal Stafford loans issued prior to July 1 to consolidate today and automatically receive a .6 percent reduction on already low rates.

Federal student loan consolidation bundles together all of a student borrowers loans into one easy, manageable monthly payment. Savings over the long term can add up to thousands. NextStudents benefits and incentives bring down interest rates even more. In addition, with federal student loan consolidation there are no charges, fees or prepayment penalties.

Lower Rates in Grace Period

For student borrowers who had student loans prior to July 1, 2006, the initial interest rate on loan consolidation with a .6 percent rate reduction while in grace period is 6.625 percent, as opposed to the new repayment rate of 7.25 percent on student loans. The 6.625 percent rate can be reduced with NextStudents aggressive incentives:

An interest rate reduction of .25 percent for student borrowers when they sign up with Auto Debit and have their payments deducted automatically

An added interest rate reduction of 1 percent that is locked for the life of the loan following the first 36 consecutive on-time payments, OR an interest rate reduction of 2 percent following 48 consecutive on-time payments

Its Easy to Apply for Consolidation

By bundling together all of a students loans and extending the repayment period, borrowers save time and money over the long term. Depending on a borrowers balance repayment can be extended as long as 30 years. In addition, NextStudent offers the advantage of various options on repayment, including graduated repayment and income-sensitive repayment. There also are deferment and forbearance options available.

As consolidation rates are much lower than current student loan rates, now is the perfect time to consolidate and save money. Applying for NextStudents federal Student Loan Consolidation program does not take much time and easily is done online. NextStudents application is hassle-free and can be completed in four easy steps with Electronic Signature. There is no need for a co-signer and there are no credit checks. Student borrowers do not even need to know the details of their current student loan portfolio.

Now is the perfect time for student borrowers who missed the deadline to consolidate the student loans they had prior to July 1, 2006. By consolidating before the end of the grace period student borrowers can receive a low interest rate and sign up with NextStudent for other aggressive incentives to help them save even more over the long term. Student loan consolidation can rid borrowers of too many unwanted monthly bills and help make life easier and less expensive.

NextStudent believes that getting an education is the best investment you can make, and it is dedicated to helping you pursue your education dreams by making college funding as easy as possible. Learn more about Student Loans at

Jeff Mictabor is an enthusiast on the topic of student loan issues in the news. He has been writing for the past 10 years for a variety of education publications. He now offers his writing services on a freelance basis.Alberta Blog9606
Anni Blog40475

Atlanta School District Receives High Marks and Scholarship Funds

Newsweek Ranks North Atlanta High School in Top 2%

Newsweek magazine ranks twenty-seven thousand high schools throughout the nation and North Atlanta High School, part of the Atlanta School District, ranks among top 2%. Newsweek magazine compiles the lists of Best High School and releases the list at the end of every school year. This year North Atlanta High School was ranked at 531 out of the 27,000 schools ranked. These rankings are based on the high schools use and offering of Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses. Advanced placement classes are college preparation courses. The international baccalaureate uses an internationally recognized course curriculum.

North Atlanta High School offers and encourages students to take and pursue advanced placement classes or international baccalaureate courses. North Atlanta High School also operates International Studies and Performing Arts magnet school programs. The International Studies magnet program offers courses that focus own foreign languages, communications and social studies courses. The International Studies magnet program offers students opportunities to take part in youth foreign exchanges and internships in international companies. The Performing Arts magnet program stresses high academic achievement with performance art training.

Mays High School Teacher Receives Award

A Mays High School, a high school in the district of Atlanta Schools, teacher received the Close Up Foundations Linda Myers Chosen Award for Teaching Excellence in Civic Education. Hajj Womack received a plaque and one thousand dollars. Mr. Womack, a social studies teacher, was awarded the Close Up Foundations Linda Myers Chosen Award for Teaching Excellence in Civic Education while in Washington D.C. with students participating in the Close Up Washington program. Civics education is vital for students because teens often feel separated from politics in America.

Atlanta School Districts Douglass High School Receives Scholarship Funds from Magic Johnson

Former NBA player Magic Johnson visited Douglass High School on his nationwide AIDS awareness tour. He spoke to the students about safe sex, the value of education and their future. He gave the school twenty thousand dollars for college scholarships for graduating seniors. Twenty students were awarded $1000 scholarships as part of Douglass High Schools Visions of the Future Awards program. The awarded students were: Bianca Barnswell Talesha Noble, Lawrence Boddie Jihan Pankey, Mychael Bond Andrea Parks, Seron Fields Louis Perrino, Ramia Finley Shatila Platt, Aamir Fard Adrienne Richardson, Mavia Hanson Anthony Rogers, Yareli Hernandez Catrina Searcy, Kadayas Howard Delisa Stevens, Kenya Merritt Paul White. Magic Johnson gave the students advice that they should continue their education in college or start their own business. Johnson discussed his own work as a businessman after retiring from basketball. He also gave out Los Angeles Lakers jerseys to eight students in the audience. The jerseys bore Johnsons own number and current Lakers players.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Ardenia Blog3318
Anderea Blog18683

Lose Those Last 10 Pounds with L-Carnitine

How many times have you said to yourself "I just can't lose those last 10 pounds"?

If losing those last 10 pounds is your passion, then you will appreciate the benefits of L-Carnitine supplementation!

It's no doubt that weight loss and supplements are controversial issues in the fitness industry. The basis for true weight loss is proper eating and regular exercise. Supplements are beneficial for an added kick to super charge your weight-loss program. While supplements do serve their place in a fitness program, don't rely on them as the bulk of your regimen, they are a tool.

Of the many fat-loss supplements bombarding the fitness and weight-loss industry, L-Carnitine is one that I always found useful when trying to drop extra pounds. It can help mobilize fat so it can be burned more efficiently when your rotate your calories on the lower end.

L-Carnitine is an amino acid and may aid in fat-loss endeavors. Its main function is to transfer long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria where they can be used to produce energy and burn fat. L-Carnitine can also aid in preventing fatty build up in the liver and heart.

Other benefits of the wonderful supplement are reducing triglyceride levels and improving muscular strength. L-Carnitine can also help lessen the nervousness and irritability associated with low carbohydrate eating plans. Additional advantages are suppressed appetite, increased energy, and reduced muscle fatigue. L-Carnitine can also protect against liver disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes.

Your body can make L-Carnitine if you receive proper amounts of the amino acids lysine and methionine. You also need suitable amounts of vitamin B and C, as well as iron. This can also be received through nutrition, from such foods as animal protein.

Those who exercise a great deal use a lot of L-Carnitine. Therefore, it needs to be replenished to prevent a deficiency. If you are not receiving enough of these vitamins, minerals, amino's through your diet you could possibly have an L-Carnitine deficiency, making those last few pounds stubborn to remove.

A lack of L-Carnitine can result in muscular weakness and low energy levels, as well as weight gain, and cramps. Long-term deficiencies can lead to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, and Alzheimer's.

Vegetarians are more likely to have an inadequate amount of L-Carnitine due to the lack of animal protein in their nutrition. Therefore, L-Carnitine is an excellent supplement for vegetarians.

Recommended Dosage

Liquid L-Carnitine is an easy way to receive the recommended dosage of L-Carnitine quickly. Supplement with 3 to 5 grams of L-Carnitine 20 to 30 minutes before cardio. Use L-Carnitine consistently for 6 weeks and then take 4 weeks off of L-Carnitine.

This product is absolutely safe. However, if you have a weak stomach, take it with a meal.

Since L-Carnitine helps to release fat more efficiently during cardio, provided your carbohydrates are not in excess, it is important that you eat foods of quality and exercise consistently. These factors are what make the fat burning process possible. L-Carnitine is the spark plug to get the fire burning!

Karen Sessions has been in the fitness industry since 1988. She is a nationally qualified bodybuilder and holds two personal training certifications. She has written 6 ebooks on fitness and has helped hundreds of clients transform their bodies. Blog86520
Alejandra Blog85920

Why Do You Need A Window Cleaner

Window cleaner has become an absolute necessity these days because every time you use your computer, every webpage you visit, every image and file whether multimedia or a movie file - you see, are stored in it. This takes up a lot of disk space, which is quite valuable in terms of storage space. You probably use a number of software, as most do, and every software saves some information or the other. Through this information, all your activities can be tracked and traced, invading your privacy. Windows washer is a tool that helps remove all these traces, and much more to help run your computer better and faster.

What most computer users do not realize is that every single online activity of theirs can be easily tracked. Internet history files, cookies of the sites you visit, and your browser cache are a storehouse of all your online activities. Through these logs, your privacy can be trespassed. These files are not required, and must be deleted after you have finished using your computer. These unwanted files take up precious disk space and slow down your complete system. This is why you need a Window cleaner to help clean up all these unwanted information.

What Will A Windows Cleaner Do

Window cleaner will free your computer of all stored information, which are not required, and which are a danger to your privacy. Different cleaners have different features, depending on what you require. Windows cleaner that merely deletes the files may have a limited benefit, as a variety of data recovery tools available can help recover the data. Certain Window cleaners have a feature that further shreds the deleted files and folders.

Though a Windows cleaner is an all-in-one cleaning tool, it comes with various features. All such cleaners are flexible tools that clean up the history of your activities, both online and offline, and restore hard disk space. Some cleaners come with features, such as secret bookmarks, stealth cleaning, and hide browsers, among many others. Certain other features include optimizers that clean all obsolete files and files that are pure junk. Certain features also find duplicate files and remove them.

A Window cleaner is a powerful tool and is quite reliable for removing all useless files, and de-fragmenting your computer, making it run faster than before, and completely error free. It is a user-friendly application, though some may not be able to restore deleted files. Depending upon the Window registry cleaner you have opted for, you can either clean all the traces of your activities manually, or fix up a regular schedule for cleaning.

Having a Window cleaner is no longer an option, but a must. To select the best cleaner to suit you, all you need is to go online. A plethora of online stores has a variety of cleaners to choose from.

Arvind Singh is admin and technical expert associated with development of computer security and performance enhancing software like Registry Cleaner, Window Cleaner, Anti Spam Filter etc. More information can be found at Related Information: Blog48269
Cathryn Blog94711

Bipolar Disorder And The Symptoms

Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression. Bipolar disorder is a psychological disorder that effects a person's mood. The mood swings are very extreme with a manic (high elation) phase and a very deep depressive phase. There is estimated to effect approximately 1% of the adult population. There is also evidence that shows that neither men nor women have a greater chance of suffering from bipolar disorder than the other. Bipolar is the third most common disorder after major depression and dysthymic disorder (a mild but persistent form of depression). Because of the extreme psychological disturbances caused by bipolar disorder, it can destroy lives. Alcohol and drug problems are often present in sufferers and without proper medication and care, it leads to 20% of sufferers committing suicide.

Many people experience a depressive phase most of the time, while only experiencing very few manic episodes. It is the swing between moods that people find hardest to deal with. Although no one would care to feel deeply depressed.

There is no cure for bipolar disorder and it is a life-long condition that often needs to be controlled with medication. Lithium is used to help control mania phases of people who suffer from bipolar disorder. Bipolar often begins in adolescence or early adulthood, and continues throughout life. Bipolar disorder is very seldom diagnosed in people who are 40 years old and above.

Types of Phases

Although it is generally accepted that bipolar disorder alternates the sufferers mood between mania and depression, the American Psychiatric Association has identified four different moods that are experienced in varying degrees of intensity and length, or not at all.

Depression - typical depression from a lack of motivation or interest in anything including eating to thoughts and attempts at suicide.

Mania - often begins with an elated or euphoric feeling. can also cause a sufferer to feel angry and irritable.

Hypomania - a milder form of mania where the person feels good and feels they are becoming more productive with their life.

Mixed mood - a mixed episode is characterised by experiencing feelings of mania and depression all in the same day.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder symptoms are disturbances or abnormality of moods with the sufferer alternating between a manic phase and a depressive phase repetitively.

Depressive Phase Symptoms
Very deep negative moods often with thoughts or attempts at suicide.
Eating disorders.
No interest in activities enjoyed in the past.
None or very little interest in sex.
No self esteem.
Sleeping problems high an low.
Feeling guilty.

Manic Phase Symptoms
Excessive high or euphoric feelings along with many grand or over-ambitious ideas or plans.
Excessive amounts of energy.
Unnaturally high self-esteem and self-belief.
Increased sex drive which may lead to promiscuity and aggressive sexual behaviour.
Extreme irritability and easily distracted.
Alcohol and drug abuse, usually cocaine and sleeping medication.
Little need for sleep.
Manic phase lasts at least one week.

Ray StoneCarena Blog67532
Ajay Blog84400

Archiving in the Technological Era

Data retention has long been a vital business practice, allowing companies to use client information, assess company growth, and retrieve and manipulate data on past performance, all with the goal of propelling business growth and success. A number of factors contribute to a companys need to retain data, such as future analyses of business processes and compliance with government regulations that continue to lay out stricter requirements regarding the retention, disclosure and disposal of business data. The technological era has brought about a proliferation of electronic file data, spurring revolutionary change in the way data is collected, retrieved, archived and disclosed.

Businesses are faced with the challenge of adhering to varying data retention requirements at the federal and state levels. Many recent laws have increased the length of time that businesses must retain data, placing increasing pressure on companies to institute data archiving systems with the capacity to securely store increasing amounts of information, possibly for decades. Besides placing time requirements on data retention, regulations also require that data be secure, unable to be edited and produced on demand with short notice. To ensure security and that records are retained in a non-editable format, organizations must have an archiving system separate from the operational and reference data that is still needed for frequent business transactions and queries.

Some notable sanctions propelling the need for businesses to implement a comprehensive data retention system are the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and BASEL II. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which imposes strict standards regarding the retention of accounting data, was overwhelmingly passed in 2002 by the United States House of Representatives and the Senate. HIPAA, commonly known as the Privacy Rule, is a health industry standard aimed at allowing the flow of patients health data for health research purposes without disclosing an individuals protected health information, and requiring entities to preserve and be prepared to readily disclose data for six years. Similarly, BASEL II places disclosure requirements on the financial industry.

Ever increasing data retention requirements also place monumental pressure on enterprise data availability software companies to produce the most advanced archiving solutions with tremendous capacities and prolonged reliability. Available data archiving solutions give companies the capability of storing great amounts of data that is no longer needed for business purposes in a protected, non-editable format in a location that will not affect the data that is crucial to business operations. Such systems can provide a user friendly interface to streamline implementation of a companys data archiving strategy, and automatically discard information once it reached the mandatory data retention time frame.

Stephen J. Richards has 25 years experience in Data Management and Information Technology. This information is provided as a public service by Neon Enterprise Software, a leading provider of data retention products. For more information, please visit http://www.neonesoft.comAilyn Blog78658
Arlen Blog65841

Easy Home Made Wall Murals

This is a fun project as well as a great home interior decorating idea. A beautiful Wall Mural easily transforms the entire look and feel of a room. Your kitchen or dining room suddenly becomes an Italian al fresco eatery. Your daughter's bedroom is at once a magical fairy garden, while your son's room becomes an exciting safari adventure, complete with Bengal Tigers. Sunset in the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring backdrop in the family room. The possibilities are endless. The choices can be a bit daunting while you are still in the selection phase of purchasing your Wall Mural. So, before you commit to a permanent look in your designated room, try this temporary project.

Once you have narrowed your Wall Mural selection to one or two, print photos of them from your computer. Even a small picture is adequate. The idea is to be able to see the main colors in the Wall Mural, and not so much the fine details of the subject matter. Try to keep it as basic as possible by identifying the five or six most prominent colors in the Wall Mural. Once your have identified the colors, go to the local craft store and locate the acrylic paint section. There are usually 2 fluid ounce size bottles that often sell for less than a dollar each. With your Wall Mural photo at hand, match the five or six prominent colors with the corresponding acrylic paint. You may also want to purchase a bottle of clear matte varnish. This can be mixed in with the paints to extend the colors (mix one quarter varnish with three quarters acrylic paint). Lastly, you'll need some foam paint brushes, which are around a quarter to fifty cents a piece. If you like you can cut up a clean sponge at home, as this also works well for paint application.

Choose the largest stretcher canvas you can buy. 36" x 48" works well and generally costs around fifty dollars on sale. There are even larger ones if you so choose, but they can be costly. Other alternatives to a pre-stretched canvas that are less costly and just as effective include plywood and heavy duty cardboard. You might even have some of these choice items right in your own garage, attic, basement, or storage unit. (This is also a great way to recycle.)

Now you are ready to begin. Remember to protect your floors with old newspapers or sheets. Using your Wall Mural picture as a guide, apply the colors to your canvas in the same general areas as depicted in the Wall Mural. You are now actually creating your very own free-style mini modern art version of your Wall Mural. It's great to go a little crazy with your painting as you really cannot make a mistake. Acrylics are very easy to use as you will see. If you accidentally mix your colors and produce an unwanted hue, simply let the painting dry for a few hours and then paint over the offending color. Once you are satisfied with the color placement, your artwork is finished. Don't forget to sign and date your painting.

When the painting is dry and ready for hanging, you can mount it on the wall where you eventually want your permanent Wall Mural. This will give you a colorful focal point to help with room dcor and furniture arrangement. After your real Wall Mural is in place, you can proudly display your mini free-style version on an adjacent wall. The colors and primitive form will serve to compliment your majestic Wall Mural.

Enjoy yourself with this fun, cool, easy, and inexpensive home interior decorating idea.

Lisa Herbik is a happy homemaker who loves to do her own home interior decorating. For more fun and free tips for decorating your home, check out her website, Bryna Blog49816
Cal Blog68275

Edirol R-09 Wave/MP3 Recorder Review

My Sony Hi-MD (mini disc) kicked the bucket somewhat prematurely. It chews and chews on a disc without engaging. I suppose the mechanism got mangled on one of my trans-Atlantic flights. I had to drag myself into the modern recording age and invest 300 quid in a flash recorder, AND stump up another 25 for an SD memory card. And do you know what? It was worth it.

The Edirol R-09 by Roland of seventies synthesizer fame wont win any prizes in a beauty contest. It looks more like an electric shaver than a digital recorder - but that hasnt stopped me falling in love with it. Im suspicious of in-built microphones, but those silver grills on the top are pretty good - fine for journalistic notes at any rate. The plastic record and play buttons are big and chunky, but they are dead easy to use without reference to the manual. Even someone like me who is all thumbs and struggles to send a text message can use them with ease. There are buttons on the back for mono or stereo, automatic recording levels, etc. Volume controls are on the side. In other words, you can do most things without scrolling through a menu on the LCD screen. Transfer of sound onto the laptop is a doddle. You plug it into the USB and it becomes an external disc. I just open up SoundForge on my computer and start editing away. I have a 2 Gig SD card so it holds several hours of audio.

And what about the quality? It records in mp3 or WAV, the latter being uncompressed and very high quality indeed. Its 24 bit, which is ample. You might want more bits for recoding the Boston Philharmonic, but short of that it will do for most things. I find it works best with my microphone routed into the sound mixer via the Line In. When I plugged my Sure SM58 directly into the R-09 I got a certain amount of hiss. Not much, but discernible. Perhaps the impedance does not quite match (or some such technical guff). Edirol recommend buying one of their own external condenser mics, but they would say that, wouldnt they. I might try a transformer. I would hate to buy yet another mic for out and about interviews, but it might come to that...

Digital Man, a sales manager of Gigasonic, has more than 10 years experience dealing with music gears.Alexi Blog64607
Brigid Blog33096

Atlanta Falcons

If you're like me, and you're a big fan of a sports team, you'll know exactly what it's like. When I'm watching the Atlanta Falcons play, its much more than just a game. When I sit down in the stadium or infront of the TV, I know I'm part of the team, I'm part of something bigger. You'll know yourself. You can feel it in your bones: every yard lost or gained, every result or near miss, you can feel in your blood because your team means so much. And if you're like me and you're a die-hard supporter, you'll know you just can't stop thinking about it.

I bought Falcons wallpaper for my house, I own several different jerseys, and I even have Falcons wallpaper on my computer desktop. You either feel it, or you don't, but if you do, you'll know you have to show your loyal and faithful support at all times.

It was my wife who caused the problems with my wallpaper. She outright objected when I bought it a couple of years ago, as she was the one responsible for the decor in the house. OK, so she had good taste, and she wasn't the type to go for flowers and old-lady patterns. She was more into pastille colors with abstract prints and paintings to complement. But with the Falcons paper, I wanted to show my passion and love for the team. I only wanted to put it in the one room, where I watched most of the games. At least that way I could show my support for my favorite football team, even if it's only for the benefit of myself and my friends.

Eventually, after realizing I was determined and that I wasn't going to submit she let me keep it so long as I promised not to paper any other rooms with it again. I stuck to my word, but I did not stop at decorating with wallpaper. I bought loads of related ornaments like little Falcons helmets and other souvenirs to make a shrine to my favorite team. I can tell the wife hates it but she just doesn't understand. I love my shrine, even though it is only ever for me and my buddies, but I just love showing my passion for the Falcons in any way I can. I simply have to some how show my support for the team.

Eoin Kane is the editor of a top website, and he also runs a site about Blog99509
Bernita Blog95376

College Football Betting And Nfl Betting Are Not The Same Thing

There are at least a half-dozen factors that separate college football betting from NFL betting. For starters, action on college football is much more likely to come from sophisticated bettors, known as "sharps" or "wiseguys", who often possess some insight or kernel of information that may provide them with an edge against the house. Experienced bet takers know not to treat heavy activity on an obscure game, such as East Carolina versus Wake Forest, as casually as they might deal with increased wagering interest on a marquee NFL game such as a Redskins-Cowboys confrontation. For that reason, bookmakers usually move college football betting lines quickly, often one full point at a time. In general, it takes more money to move an NFL betting line and, when it is moved, usually it is by only half a point.

Largely because of a lack of proficiency in the kicking game, key numbers such as 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 13 and 14 are not nearly as sacrosanct in college football betting as they are in the NFL. College football games just do not fall on those numbers as often as they do in NFL contests.

We may never again see a three-touchdown favorite in the NFL but lines of -30, -40, or even -50 are not that uncommon in the college gridiron game. Oddsmakers and bookmakers also find college totals more difficult to gauge because some coaches try to impress those who have a vote in the polls by running up the score. Others, such as Penn State's Joe Paterno, feel that a third-string player's reward for practicing all week is to get to play in a blowout. Its just these types of unique uncertainties that compel bookmakers to shift college over/under numbers more quickly than they move NFL totals.

It's also the nature of college football that personnel change every year. This makes early season evaluation more difficult and leads bet takers to move lines and totals more quickly, especially in September and early October when the season is still young. There is personnel movement in the NFL too, of course, but mostly it involves players of established ability moving from team to team. In college football, you're always dealing with fresh faces.

By collective bargaining agreement, each week, the NFL publishes a comprehensive list of injured players and their status. Sure, there are mistakes and abuses and players who have been listed as "doubtful" have played while those regarded as "probable" have not but overall, the list is accurate. On the other hand, colleges are under no obligation to announce the status of injured or disciplined football players. This vagueness over availability sometimes can create opportunities in college football betting. Consequently, bookmakers are wary if too much wagering attention is paid to one team.

When it comes to parlay card numbers, you are much more apt to see a slight gap between those prices printed on cards and those posted on the board in the NFL than you are in college football. The key element is that bookmakers can more accurately predict the public inclination for an NFL game than they can for a college football game. Its not unusual then for traditionally popular team such as Dallas or a "hot" team such as Cincinnati, to be listed as a 7 1/2-point favorite on a parlay card but just a 6 1/2 or 7-point choice on the board. Through experience, bookmakers know that "public" teams such as the Cowboys, as well as "now" teams such as the Bengals, will be more aggressively played on parlay cards than they are straight up.

Clearly, understanding the differences between college football betting and NFL betting is essential to winning.


College Football:
Wiseguys frequently supply the action
College football betting lines often are moved by a full point at a time
Key numbers are not as important
Personnel changes can make early season analysis difficult
Information on injuries is not always accessible
Theres usually not a disparity between parlay card and board numbers

Money from public is prevalent
Betting lines are usually moved by a half-point at a time
Key numbers are VERY important
Personnel changes are less volatile and easier to evaluate
Information on injuries usually is accessible
Parlay card numbers sometimes are intentionally different than prices on the board.

By Luken Karel for . The Greek Sportsbook & Casino is host to one of the top online sportsbooks offering college football betting: NFL betting and betting on all other major sports. Article reproductions must link back to this site.Camile Blog97815
Arlen Blog38800

How Does Credit Repair And Debt Consolidation Works?

Even though everyones financial situation is unique, practically all of us have some sort of debt. It might be huge debt like with mortgages and loans or small credit card or department store credit debt. The only way to wind up with debt is as a result of being extended credit. In these financial times we are in it can be difficult to get by without credit. But too often it becomes difficult to pay off the credit and that is when the trouble begins. Once you are late in your payments, your creditors will report this to the credit bureaus and it will affect your credit rating. When you are stuck with a bad credit report, even if you have a good reason such as illness, etc, it will be very difficult for you to get credit in the future when you are back on your feet financially. This means you may not be able to buy a house or a new car on credit. Or, if you are able to get a loan, it will be from a subprime lender who will charge you exorbitant interest fees.

If you have been through a tough spell and now have bad credit, you can undergo credit repair and one way to do this is through debt consolidation.

One thing about bad credit is that it can continue to get worse. It is not a case of having good or bad credit, it is a case of your credit being assigned a numerical value on a scale from good to bad and with each late payment, your credit slips farther into the bad side of the scale. So to repair your credit you need to get your creditors paid up to date as quickly as possible.

Chances are that you dont have the money to do this or you wouldnt be behind in the first place. This is when debt consolidation can be a useful tool for credit repair. You take out a single load which is used to pay off all your other loans. Now all your bills are paid up to date and you just have one monthly payment to make on your new consolidated loan which probably wont be due for thirty days so you have some breathing room to get back on your feet.

You will still owe the same amount of money, but if you arrange your loan to do so, it can be spread over a long enough period that the payments are more manageable. The advantage of a debt consolidation loan is that it can repair your credit quickly and help you get back on your feet financially.

The disadvantage of a debt consolidation loan is that if you dont use it properly it can get you deeper into financial difficulty. There is a saying that you cant borrow your way out of debt and this is very true. You should examine your financial situation carefully and make sure that your situation has improved so that you will be able to handle the payments on your new loan or you could wind up damaging your credit further and making credit repair even more difficult down the road.

Geoff Spencer is a staff writer at and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Blog41028
Carolyn Blog16175

American Express Travel Says Mammoth, California Is Great Fun In Both Summer And Winter

American Express Vacations affirms one of the most popular vacation spots for adventure travelers is Mammoth, California. This year round resort offers travelers a wide variety of activities and entertainment. Mammoth is also surprisingly luxuriousoffering several spas, fine dinning choices and upscale lodging. Mammoth is a great choice for vacationers who wish to experience the rugged beauty of the Californian Sierras and relax in elegant resorts.

Winter in Mammoth

Wintertime is one of the most popular seasons for travelers according to American Express Travel. In fact, Mammoth made its name as a winter resort. The name Mammoth actually refers to the large ski slope, which was so large, it was referred to as Mammoth Slope. Thus, the area retained that name. The near by town is called Mammoth Lakes. The town is little more than a village, with a permanent population at about 500. However, the winter population is often ten times that. Mammoth Lakes actually has more condos than stores or restaurants. These condos can be rented on a weekly basis and range in price. The average price for a weekly condo in the winter is about $2000. Mammoth also offers several luxury resorts, including the Mammoth Inn, which is literally across the street from the most popular ski slope. For more conservative travelers, there are a number of budget inns and motels.

Summer in Mammoth

Despite the booming winter business of skiing, Mammoth is also quite popular in the summer time. There are a number of American Express Travel Deals in the early part of the summer before the crowds come in. Early June is best for weather and availability. Again, there are a number of options for accommodations in the summer, with more availability in the condos. Prices are also marginally less.

The travel attractions during the summer season are different than the winter season. Although there is no snow for the skiing masses, adventure travel enthusiast still flock to this location. From the Mammoth Inn, travelers can purchase bus tickets to be taken to Devils Post Pile National Monument for $7.00 per person. This provides access to a number of scenic areas, including the geological wonder, Devils Post Pile, the gorgeous Rainbow Falls and the peaceful Reds Meadow. The bus stops at ten different locations, and the traveler must hike from where the bus parks to see the sights. The hike to Devils Post Pile is pretty mild, and most people say its not that difficult. The hike to the top of the monument is quite strenuous, and is not recommended for the elderly or children with asthma, however. The hike to Rainbow Falls is also quite strenuous, as is the continuation to the Lower Falls. Make sure to bring at least two 12 ounce bottles if you plan to do more than Devils Post Pile. Reds Meadow is quite breathtaking, but is a longer and strenuous hike, but the view is worth it.

With so much to see and do, it is no surprise that the active traveler is attracted to Mammoth Mountain. American Express Travel offers a number of packages that include some guided hikes and tours, combined with some of the best accommodations in Mammoth Lakes. Find out why active travelers love Mammoth!

Virginia Morgan wrote this article for AMT American Express Travel. Virginias been a travel writer for over five years and enjoys the outdoors. AMT American Express Travel is a popular Internet source for American Express VacationsAriel Blog35096
Aleece Blog52762

Orlando Schools Aim to Improve Language Program

Orlando Schools Administrators Visit China

Several Orlando School administrators will be among the nearly four hundred curriculum developers and administrators from around the nation to visit China in an effort to create and expand educational programs that teach Chinese language and culture in America. The trip to China will last one week from June 27 through July 5. The trip is in cooperation with Hanban, Chinas Office of Chinese Language Council International, in partnership with the College Board, the Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS), and the National Council of State Supervisors for Languages (NCSSFL). The visit will focus on the incentives and strategies that educators can take back to their own schools and use to support the growth of Chinese programs. Currently there are only about 24,000 students in the US studying Chinese compared with close to 150 million Chinese students studying English. During the trip, educators will have an opportunity to meet with Chinese education leaders, build sister school and city ties, and network with other U.S. school leaders who are bringing Chinese language programs to their districts and schools. Orlando Schools want to ensure they are prepared for the new opportunities to offer more language education at younger grades.

In surveys conducted in the Orlando Schools concerning Advanced Placement courses several high schools expressed an interest in offering an AP Chinese course for the 2006-2007 school year. The problem was that many of these schools do not have a teacher of Chinese nor do they see a way to fund such a program. But that may be changing thanks to new programs that unite the governments and educators of China and the US. In April 2006, the College Board and Hanban announced the formation of a partnership to build and expand Chinese language programs in U.S. schools. The partnership features other programs especially intended to help educators who would like to create or grow a Chinese language and culture program in their schools or districts. Because of this program plans have been made to allow 250 guest teachers from China to work in schools in the United States. Also some American teachers will begin training at Beijing Normal University and Shanghai International Studies University. The first sessions begin this summer with sixty teachers from across the nation attending special intensive courses to gain state certification to teach Chinese classes for the new school year.

Orlando Schools Recruit teachers from Puerto Rico

Orlando Schools have hired over sixty new teachers from Puerto Rico during a two-day hiring fair held in Puerto Rico. The aim was to hire veteran certified teachers with special skills in teaching Gifted programs and Limited English Proficiency students. Mathematics and Science teachers were also recruited due to the shortage of math and science teachers in some Orlando schools. Orlando Schools will be hiring 2,400 new teachers for the 2006-2007 school and be opening nine new schools. Many teachers from Puerto Rico are attracted to the Orlando Schools because of the constancy that working in a strong educational environment can provide, the lifestyle that living in the Orlando area offers and the closeness of Orlando to Puerto Rico.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, Which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Celestyn Blog41106
Bernita Blog95376

What You Need To Know About Funeral Costs

It is undoubtedly true that when someone passes away it is a hard time for their loved ones. When preparing someone's funeral you should take into consideration the funeral costs and the many things that must be calculated into them. There is one requirement according to which the funeral homes are obliged to provide you with a detailed amount for the cost of the funeral. Unless funeral costs are taken care of they can lead to serious financial difficulties.

The financial situation of the deceased might not be good; so many years may pass until the bills for the funeral are paid off. All the funeral costs are given to the surviving family and relatives. Many people have life insurance which covers funeral costs.

The administration costs of a funeral cover the embalming, the staff needed for the funeral and the facilities used such as chapel, preparation room and reception room.

Another thing that should be thought about is transportation. The coffin should be moved from the chapel to service area and the transport should be previously arranged. Generally a limousine is used for the immediate family of the deceased but cars could also be rented for the other family members and the close friends of the departed. What is really expensive in a funeral is the coffin and a temporary grave marker. These are the merchandise costs that should be considered, as well.

It is true that you can save some money by purchasing cheaper markers and coffins, however most families feel obliged to honor the deceased with the very best that can be offered. There are other aspects which should be accounted; these are the cash disbursements; some money should be set aside for flowers. Apart from flowers, you might buy a cemetery plot which should be added to the funeral costs. Printing materials could also add up to the costs as you will need obituaries, invitations, announcements and a death certificate.

However, the main cost of cash disbursements comes from the headstone of the grave. Its price varies a lot and you can buy a cheap or a very expensive one depending on your finances. Other things which might be easily forgotten but should also be added to the funeral costs are guest books, honorariums and the price of food for the wake. When arranging a funeral most funeral homes will explain you all the different funeral costs and will leave you choose the best options for you.

Then they will make all the arrangements needed for the funeral. The funeral costs are different in the different funeral homes but they all include the many costs we mentioned above. This information might be helpful to you in case you have to arrange a funeral. After all, the funeral should run smooth and you have to pay the funeral costs but you should watch out that you are not financially burdened with unforeseen costs.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning religion and spirituality. Get more information here at Blog85039
Carla Blog52421

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